Jeremy Head


Travelblather is my online home for my travel writing and travel blog posts.

I’m an award-winning travel writer, photographer and occasional TV presenter born in the UK and based in Brighton. Over the two decades or so I have been writing about travel, I’ve been lucky enough to travel all over the place – in particular to South East Asia and countries of the former Soviet Union. I’ve also lived in Rwanda in East Africa, France, Spain and Australia.

I also work as a copywriter and content strategist and have recently written my first novel.

Travel Writer

My travel features have been published in The Telegraph, The Times, The Guardian, The Daily Mail, Wanderlust and Travel Weekly. I’ve also worked with design agencies to produce customer magazines for travel businesses.

I was formerly Travel Editor for Independent Magazines, writing regular travel features for their stable of weekly titles: Girl About Town, Ms London, 9-5, Midweek, London and More and Living Abroad Magazine (LAM).


I’ve recently finished my first novel. Supersonic is a spy thriller based on the race to develop the world’s first supersonic airliner in the 1960s.

It’s extensively researched. A remarkable amount of the story is true.

Copywriter, Content Strategist

Working agency side and freelance I’ve built high impact content strategies for major brands, created highly engaging apps, written sparkling words for websites and uplifting copy for emails and social ads, scripted and directed adverts.

Find out more on my website dedicated to my services as a freelance copywriter.

Play Video about Image - Jeremy Head tries shooting with a bow and arrow at Ribe Viking Center

TV Presenter

I spent a summer presenting undercover reports on ITV1’s Holidays Undercover.

I’ve also appeared as an expert on Channel 5’s the Hotel Inspector.

Watch the video to the left.

Guidebook Author

I’m author of the Frommer’s guidebooks Day By Day Seville and Complete Seville, Granada & Andalusia.

I wrote the Day By Day guide from scratch and took all of the photographs. The Complete guide was a huge update and rewrite for the new 4th Edition.

Image - Karelia snowmobile and abandoned village

Travel Industry Blogger

Travelblather started life many years ago as a blog about travel writing in the new age of the internet.

Whilst much has changed since then, many of the topics I and my community of brilliant travel writers discussed are still surprisingly current. 

Take a look – you may well be surprised how useful many of the posts still are.