Romantic Londoners needed – cash paid for short interviews

A slightly offbeat post from the usual here on Travelblather - but heck, if you have a network... no harm in using it from time to time eh? 214352902_2fba43b38c_m

I'm looking for interviewees for a cool new project we’re doing for one of our clients at iCrossing.

I need to conduct short interviews with couples about romantic moments in London. Maybe you met in London in a really romantic way (the top of a double decker bus, bumped into each other at the British Museum)... or you got engaged in London (on the London Eye or in Kew Gardens) or you have a favourite place for romantic times together (walking along the Thames, that little restaurant tucked away down a side street somewhere).

I'd email you a series of short questions for you to answer. Reckon it would take no more than 20 minutes to complete. Feel free to stick a short summary in the comments below or suggest other places I might find interviewees.

I need to do these interviews this week or early next… Ideally couples need to be either empty nesters or young couples without kids yet…


UPDATE - thanks for all the lovely people who have commented already - to make it easier for me could you include a couple of sentences about your romantic London moment. I'm particularly interested in experiences that link specifically to an activity or place in London itself. (like my examples above)

UPDATE 2 - the project is now live - it's for Visit London. If you'd like to add your Love in London story to the list of really delightful tales and enter the competition to win a 5 star romantic break for two in London here's the link: 

Please note that to enter the competition after you have left your story you need to click the enter the competition link within the description.

(Pic from: pedrosimoes7 on Flickr)

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