Uninspired by Tripbase

Continuing my hunt for the ultimate Travel Inspiration Engine.

I just found Tripbase. It features a Destination Finder on the home page which makes recommendations based on 22 million traveller reviews and 3000 travel blogs and websites (if you believe what it says). I wonder if it queries the TripAdvisor database?

Anyway... you plug in your dates for travel, departure airport (in my case London Gatwick) and then you have five sliders - Nightlife, Dining, Shopping, Nature, Attractions. Which you set relative to the amount of each you want in your ideal holiday. Easy to use, but a tad meaningless.

I just pushed the sliders along in fairly random fashion, chose a week long trip in early January... and hit the button.

And the site returned a bunch of places in Australia. Hmmm. For a seven day trip from the UK leaving in three weeks.

According to the About page:

What sets Tripbase apart is our ability to analyze, match and
reassemble that data quickly and precisely, so that our visitors only
get the information that's valuable for them. We are able to do this
because our experts have developed cutting-edge artificial intelligence
technology. This technology analyzes the preferences a visitor selects
and gives unbiased recommendations for a personalized vacation,
including the most appropriate destinations, activities, flights,
hotels and more!

Cutting edge? Only information that's valuable to me? I don't think so.

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