New Travel Phrases for 2009

I've done some bitching about PR recently. So here's something totally positive. The guys at Travel PR really know the industry and their clients. AND they understand the media outlets they are talking to.

They just sent me a really smart Press Release - their list of new travel phrases for 2009. Quirky, interesting and obviously the product of some creative thinking and time.

So.. we all heard the phrase 'Staycation' over the summer until we were sick of it. Here are a few more of their ideas. Some of them I think are absolutely spot-on:

  • Me-esta mē-esta, n. a holiday devoted to
    ‘me-time’; a fiesta or celebration of all things me-related esp. pampering,
    good food, relaxing, indulging.
  • Learney lûr’ni, n. a learning
    holiday/journey in which the participant acquires a new skill.
  • Hag Weekend hag wēk-end, n. like a
    hen or stag weekend but for new divorcees, permanent spinsters or bachelors.
  • Sparty spar’ti, n. a spa break to celebrate
    a particularly special occasion esp. birthday, anniversary or hen weekend.
  • Chillaxing chi’laks’ing, v. achieving
    ultimate relaxation and plenty of rest; a focus on leisurely activities.
  • Voluntourism vol-en’toor’izm, n. tourism involving
    a volunteering element esp. giving something back to the community.  
  • Tanniversary tan-i-vûrs’e-ri, n. a holiday
    taken in a warm and sunny climate to celebrate an anniversary.
  • Choo-string travel choo-string trav’l, n.
    sophisticated travel that would typically be expected to come with a hefty
    price tag but is surprisingly economically conscious.

I wonder if more people will be taking 'Weekend Broke's this year (my rather spurious attempt at a new phrase). Staying at home to save money for one big summer holiday - rather than jumping on a low cost flight to somewhere they're never heard of but fancied visiting because 'the flights were so cheap'?

So.. what's your suggestion for a new Travel Phrase?

Here's Travel PR's client list - they work for a whole bunch of genuinely innovative, smart tour operators and airlines.

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