Fine for network rail – but where does the cash go?

After a screw up that could only happen on the British Railway network at Christmas when engineering works overran by four days causing misery to train travellers, the rail regulator has dished out a record £14m fine to the business that looks after the network - Network Rail. All well and good. But I've never worked out with these fines by regulators - where does the money go? My guess it disappears into a government coffer or else goes to fund the work of the regulator... not much good for the passengers is it? Surely there should be a fund created for passengers to seek compensation from at least a portion of this cash and the rest should be put into a separate fund for improvements to the network above and beyond those that were previously planned. As a rail user I couldn't care less if the regulator fines network rail £14m or £14billion... it makes no difference to the quality of my journey. Or maybe it makes it WORSE? Network Rail is a not-for-profit organisation... that £14million could be coming out of the pot that's there to pay for improvements... so the greater the fine, the worse off the rail users will be...

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